Water -


The Ultimate Arizona Spring Landscaping and Planting Resource

Spring is in the air; in the sweetness of the citrus buds, in the warmth against your skin, in the vibrant colors of blooming shrubs. Time to put your garden gloves and shovel to work and get your landscaping on par with the rest of Mother Nature. Water – Plant It Wisely is your handy resource to provide landscaping guidance, advice, and ideas on what to plant. Because what you plant affects more than your yard. It helps create a more sustainable future. By selecting low-water-use plants, you help conserve our precious water supply for generations to come. Bet you didn’t know your little ol’ garden could do all that.

Planting Ahead: Smart Gardening & Desert Landscaping

Did you know that what you plant today has short-term and long-term benefits? It’s true. As water resources become even more precious, planting wisely is more important than ever.

Principles of Xeriscape Design

Xeriscaping is defined by seven horticultural principles which help to ensure that landscapes, wherever they are located, reflect a sensitivity to the local environment and its climate.

Rediscover the New "Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert”

Get ready for fall planting by selecting the best desert-friendly, drought-tolerant plants for your landscape. Find 218 featured plants with new photos in this refreshed and updated booklet.

Drab to Fab Videos

This 10-part video series documents a landscape transition and provides you with the steps you’ll need to take, from creating a plan to planting and caring for your new landscape.

Planting Trees and Shrubs

Did you know that shallow and wide planting holes are best? Find plant selection tips, when to plant, and our steps for successful planting.

Welcome Wildlife to Your Garden

You can make a difference by inviting wildlife into your own yard and neighborhood by planting a simple garden that provides habitat.

Why Artificial Turf May Not Be What You’re Looking For

It seems like the perfect solution, but the story of artificial turf is not as simple as it sounds.

Water – Use It Wisely Plant of the Month Feature

From Aloe to Yellow Bells - read through our featured Plant of the Month blogs for inspiration for your Arizona garden.

Get Landscape Ideas at Local Xeriscape Demonstration Gardens

Get fresh ideas on how to have the most incredible landscape in your neighborhood by touring local xeriscape demonstration gardens.

All About Irrigation and Watering

Keep your landscape from soaking you with our best tips on efficient irrigation systems and watering properly.

Bonus Spring Links

Specialty Plant Sales

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