Water -
The Ultimate Arizona Spring Landscaping and Planting Resource
Spring is in the air; in the sweetness of the citrus buds, in the warmth against your skin, in the vibrant colors of blooming shrubs. Time to put your garden gloves and shovel to work and get your landscaping on par with the rest of Mother Nature. Water – Plant It Wisely is your handy resource to provide landscaping guidance, advice, and ideas on what to plant. Because what you plant affects more than your yard. It helps create a more sustainable future. By selecting low-water-use plants, you help conserve our precious water supply for generations to come. Bet you didn’t know your little ol’ garden could do all that.
Bonus Spring Links
FREE Spring Gardening Workshops: Find a great class happening near you
March 1st - 2025 SRP Water Conservation Expo: Save money on a smart irrigation controller for your drip and sprinkler system.
Specialty Plant Sales
Coming Soon!